Polls show South Koreans want to co-operate with North Korea not confront it

17 08 18 South Korea Perception of North Korea


An extremely striking chart of surveys of South Korean public opinion on relations with North Korea has been published by The Market Mogul. It should throw a clear and sobering light on present discussions about North Korea. South Koreans, by massive margins, see North Korea show they believe North Korea is ‘a country to work with’ and not ‘a cause for alarm’ or ‘a rival’. The Market Mogul’s comment is appropriate:

‘The increased tensions on the Korean Peninsula, exacerbated by Pyongyang’s missile testing and President Trump’s strident tweets and comments, has dominated the news… But in all the bombast, maybe more attention should be paid to the view of the South Korean’s who are on the front line. President Moon Jae-in has been talking about a revival of the “sunshine policy” of trying to build relations with the North since taking office in May and has repeatedly offered humanitarian and military talks with the north to bring down tensions. These moves reflect the wishes of the South Korean electorate. Close to 44% of South Koreans in 2016 thought that the south work together with the north, up from 36% in 2015, while only around 8% see the north as a rival.’

​Perhaps outsiders would do better to stop trying to threaten war and stoke up tension when the people who would be most affected by war, South Koreans, clearly don’t want it?​

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