One year on, impact of Xi’s agenda-setting Davos speech still felt

​Chinese President Xi Jinping’s speech to the Davos World Economic Forum one year ago, on January 17, 2017, decisively shaped international discussion – the US magazine Newsweek summarized its impact as being that China was now seen as: “the linchpin of global economic stability.”  Ian Bremmer, head of the Eurasia Group, the most influential Western…

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The truth about China’s crucial role World War II is not only history

When on 3 September 2015 China staged its Victory Parade, commemorating the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and China’s contribution to the World War against fascism, this was a solemn day for China and an opportunity for the world to understand events which are not only historical but without which today’s world cannot…

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Comparison of Hong Kong and ‘poor whites’ in the US South

July 1st 2017 was the 20th anniversary of the correction of one of the great crimes against China and of one of the dirtiest episodes in Britain’s history. It was be the anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to China. China’s President Xi Jinping has strongly stressed that reunification with Hong Kong was a…

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US economic growth under Trump – explained in 3 charts

There has been much discussion on the likely effect of Trump on the US economy. But some of this discussion fails to distinguish clearly between short term and long term effects of Trump. This can lead to wrong interpretations of events and trends as they unfold. The aim of this article is therefore to set…

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